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Erfahrener und zertifiziert-er Ayurvedatherapeut. Ursprünglich in Frankreich am französischen Institut für Yoga und Ayurveda von Sandrine BONNEAU ausge-bildet, arbeitet er auch nach den Lehren von Vasant LAD und Atreya SMITH. Er nahm und nimmt regelmäßig an Weiterbild-ungen in Indien und Frank-reich teil, um sein Wissen zu perfektionieren.

Diese Doppelausbildung in Indien und Frankreich er-möglicht es, traditionelles Ayurveda umzusetzen und gleichzeitig an die west-liche Lebensweise anzu-passen.

CHEZ ZeN  .  ayurveda cure resort 


cure + spa opportunities 




























individuelle private one to one ayurveda kuren

wir arrangieren auch regelmäßig sehr individuell abgestimmte und tief regenerierende holistic antageing ayurvedakur- und regenerationsaufenthalte.


Dies wahlweise und je nach Erfordernis mit integrierten und traumasensitiven coachingeinheiten, hoch systementlastenden TRE-sitzungen, yoga, meditations- und sporteinheiten, sowie ayurvedischer Detox ernährung. gerne steht unser qualifiziertes Team dazu zum persönlichen Beratungsaustausch- und Gespräch zur verfügung.


schreibt uns bitte einfach an unter:



wir antworten euch sehr schnell. 




private one to one ayurveda  + yoga  marma kalari therapie and intensive cure week  

one client (maximum two) - one teacher [7 days] with extension option


period: available all year round

price: 375,- euros per day



with daily yoga, mediation, massage, vegan detox ayurveda full catering, luxury suite for single room use in the center or in the neighboring luxury boutique hotel of the zeN center.


optimal ayurveda supplement through the kalari therapy, which  releases blockages and tension on the myofascial level. the body and its organs are particularly relaxed through this form of treatment, which creates space and dynamism for all functions.

with this therapy, pain in the pelvic and abdominal cavity can be reduced and easier and deeper breathing can be achieved by working on the chest cavity.

the pressure on the heart is also reduced and this enables restful sleep.

through the sensitive and targeted work with the head and facial  organs, the whole system becomes clearer, freer and more relaxed, which among other things also reduces migraine incidents. overall, kalari therapy reduces the pressure and stress in the spine and joints, which in turn has a lasting positive effect on posture, mobility and vitality.


additional inclusive services:
. use of the sun terraces and gardeen 

. pool

. sauna

. community areas
. filtered drinking water, tea and fruit every day

. orthopedic mattresses

. luxurious bed linen

. blankets

. bath towels

. car parking spaces
. WiFi
. rental vehicle from the airport for the entire stay at significantly

  reduced rates or shuttle service




one client (maximum two) - one team of teachers and therapists 

All-day intensive ayurveda cure including daily yoga, meditation, ayurveda treatments, massage, life balance coaching, detox ayurveda cooking class + catering.


period: available all year round

price: 275,- euros per day


. The Dinacharya, Morning rituals of Ayurveda and Yoga. 

. Healthy detox ayurveda nutrition, vegan, sugar-free, gluten-free

  including the use of probiotics, parasite treatments, superfoods

  if necessary. *depending on individual needs, gentle fasting 

   (juices, smoothies, soups, broths, salads)
. Breakfast: Porridge with fruit, nuts, nut butter, detein tea,

  filtered water.

. Topics on Dinacharya (3h)

. 1 Yoga (1h15)

. 1 meditation (45 min)

. Ayurvedic cooking : Kitchadi, the detox late

. 1 Yoga

. Learn how to  cook Kitchadi, the detox plate of Ayurveda

. Lunch with your kitchadi


. dinner: soups, hummus with some vegetables, some fruit.
. all hot and cold drinks over the Cure Day.
. 1 Yoga

. Learn how to cook Kitchadi, the detox plate of Ayurveda

. Lunch with your kitchadi

. 1 Topics on principals of Ayurvedic alimentation



2,5 days / 2 nights / A week-end for harmony / friday from 5pm to sunday 9pm 2 Hata Yoga (1h15) 1 Ayurvedic massage (2h) 1 Ayurvedic massage (1h) 1 Topic on Ayurveda recommandations for Harmony 2,5 days / 2 nights / A week-end to discover Ayurveda / friday from 5pm to sunday 9pm 2 Yoga (1h15) 1 Ayurvedic consultation to determinate your Ayurvedic profile and establish a personal program for alimentation and daily diet 1 Ayurvedic massage (2h) personalized to your Ayurvedic profile 1 Ayurvedic massage (1h) personalized to your Ayurvedic profile 2,5 days / 2 nights / A week-end of detox / friday from 5pm to sunday 9pm 2 Yoga detox curses (1h15) 1 Ayurvedic massage (2h) 1 Ayurvedic massage (1h) 1 topics on Ayurvedic detox rituals 1 Sauna






. ayurveda panchkarma cure (14 days)


  period: available all year round


  price: 295,- euros per day 


  with daily yoga, mediation, massages, vegan detox ayurveda full

 catering, luxury suite for single room use in the center or in the

  neighboring  luxury boutique hotel. 


additional inclusive services:
. use of the sun terrace, pool and sauna
. 1 bottle of water daily in the room
. free WiFi
. rental vehicle from the airport for the entire stay at significantly

   reduced rates.


when using the double room for two people, the flat rate is reduced accordingly. this cure can be booked for stays of 10 days or more!





. ayurveda rasayana cure (10 days)


  period: available all year round

  price: 295,- euros per day 


  with daily yoga, mediation, massages, vegan detox ayurveda full

  catering, luxury double room or suite for single room use in the 

  center or in the neighboring  luxury guest house.


additional inclusive services:
. use of the sun terrace, pool and sauna
. 1 bottle of water daily in the room
. free WiFi
. rental vehicle from the airport for the entire stay at significantly

  reduced rates.


when using the double room for two people, the flat rate is reduced accordingly. this cure can be booked for stays of 7 days or more!







further service options:

. car and shuttle service
. bike racing + e-bike rental




. woodenfired sauna

. pool 
. table tennis and tennis





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corinna             verantwortliche Leiterin + Projektleiterin im Ayur-veda-Zentrum CHEZ ZeN + Ayurveda Klinik & Spa, / CA..























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